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Wifi(AirPlay2) &Bluetooth 5.0 Multiroom Speakers and Amplfiers
WIFI(Airplay 2) & Bluetooth multiroom speakers and amplifiers are available right now.
TIC Bluetooth v5.0 Mesh Speakers and Amplifiers
TIC's new Bluetooth 5.0 family of multi-speaker audio solution. Compared to Bluetooth 4, our new Bluetooth 5 chipset offers significantly range improvement, up to 4x the distance (vs. 4.0) and increased audio quality due to speed & bandwidth enhancement. Best of all, you can easily connect up to 100 compatible TIC Bluetooth 5 devices to create a massive multi-speaker sound system.
Commercial Amplifiers & Mixers
With built-in 70v dial, our commercial speakers are favorite among professional AV installers for their ease-of-installation and powerful and clear audio performance, both in indoor and outdoor environment. They are perfectly suited in a wide range of applications, from commercial and industrial PA systems to booming sound entertainment systems in outdoor restaurants and residential homes.
WifiStream Speakers & Amplifiers
Freedom to play your music the way you want.
One room, two rooms, all rooms.
Indoor & outdoor.
Different songs or all in sync.
Just connect & play.